Thursday, 8 October 2009

Pulse - manage your Eclipse installations

With the growing number of plugins in my Eclipse, I started feeling the "speed" of overpacked program. What's more, when I couldn't see all my settings in Preference window, I decided it's time to think about neccessity of each plugin. But instead of removing some of the plugins, I wanted to start from scratch. As always, I started at looking for the pre-packed download. But I found something that someone like me might find very useful - Pulse.

Pulse is "a product family that provides Solutions to obtain, configure, manage or ship Eclipse-based products." It helps you with selecting the desired Eclipse features, downloading it, installing, running, modifying, reinstalling and everything you might possibly think about. It all sounds very nice, but what's the reality? Well, I'm going to find out now. And you can do the same - just start by opening this time.